Passionate – Dedicated – Professional

About US

We are in the HR consulting market from decade and we will assist you in managing the compliance burden in seamless way.

PF and ESI compliance is not an easy job and non-compliance will lead to legal liability and even legal implication on the employers as well.

MarxMind is a leading professional services company in chennai for its client business to meet all compliance requirements of Indian laws. India’s largest online business services platform helps people start and manage their businesses easily at an affordable cost. Our mission is to assist the individuals or entrepreneurs on legal and regulatory requirements, PF/ESI registration or return filing and be a partner in the business’s life cycle, providing support at every stage to ensure that the company is compliant and continually growing.
The current business world mainly focuses on the massive demand for quality professional services that provide less time consuming and less costly results. At MarxMind, we hope to provide actionable business advice and an unparalleled depth of resources and expertise. We are dedicated to a personalized approach. We focus on customer needs and understand the complexities of their business domain, which allows us to develop solutions accordingly. We apply state-of-the-art capabilities and the latest technology to provide customized, sustainable, and feasible solutions. Whether you are an employee or an employer, at MarxMind, we help everyone comply with Indian tax laws at an affordable cost in Bangalore. They provide solutions to all person, business people, corporate organizations, and others to support better the problems they face in their daily lives.

We have 12 plus years of experience in handling ESI and PF compliance.

Passionate – Dedicated – Professional

Customer-Centric marketing

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impactful relations

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15 years of experience

Network market value positioning imperatives & leveraged

top rated services

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Trusted by Millions of customers

Sed dignissim lacinia nunc. Curabitur tortor. Pellentesque nibh. Aenean quam. In scelerisque sem at dolor. Maecenas mattis. Sed convallis tristique sem. Proin ut ligula vel nunc egestas porttitor. Morbi lectus risus ulea suscipit quis luctus.

John Deo – CEO ABCWorks